Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Oh We're Just Having Some Pea Soup!

Thursday, November 21
While driving, on my way to work, (after a quick Starbucks run) I was excitedly talking to my Mom about her upcoming visit for Thanksgiving. (I'm not sure about all the punctuation in the previous sentence, but I have an English degree and Education degree so what I say/do goes ok?!?)  All of a sudden a Salvation Army truck pulled out in front of me and the back was open.

Just like this except it was driving, I was behind it driving, and the boxes were cylindrical bins.  The truck took a turn a bit to hard and all the bins flew out the back and started rolling all over the road.  Luckily my sweet driving skills kicked in and I was able to avoid all the bins, and the old man who jumped out of the truck into on coming traffic to pick them up.  I tried to stay calm on the phone so my Mom wouldn't freak, but it was pretty scary.  So Thursday I was thankful for Mr. Briggs my drivers Education teacher who taught me not only to avoid rolling bins in the road, but also when you drive a stick shift you have to steer the wheel and change gears at the same time without hitting school buses because there's not always going to be a passenger with their own set of brakes :)

Friday, November 22
Friday I was thankful for the easiest work day of my entire life.  Friday we were closed so we could officially move upstairs.  Except everything was being moved on Saturday or was already moved.  So Friday I was the only one to come to work.  All I had to do was paint the sides of our Snapple refrigerator and hook up the internet.  I came to work in my painting clothes painted, set up the internet and left.  Pretty awesome start to a weekend.

Saturday, November 23
What makes the best Saturday morning albeit an unproductive one???  4 episodes of Parenthood!!!
The one thing about living on the East Coast I am not a fan of is nighttime TV.  Everything is on so late (yes I'm old).  But when your favorite show doesn't even start until 10pm and is an hour long that gets late.  So usually I don't watch Parenthood when it is on TV but watch it on nbc.com over the weekend.  Well our weekends have been kinda busy lately so I had 4 weeks worth saved up.  It was awesome.  Seriously if you're not watching Parenthood you're missing out.  The first 2 (I think) seasons are on Netflix if you want to catch up.
And what does one do while watching 4 episodes of Parenthood?  Why paint their nails of course!
While Emily was in town she showed me a picture of a manicure she'd gotten.  It was Navy color with matte nail and shiny tips.  It was gorgeous!  So I thought I would try to do it myself.  HA!  First off I can't even paint my nails without it getting all over my skin.  I should have known better.  But I didn't stop myself, and really I blame Emily.  She should never have put the blue idea in my head.
I went to Wal-Greens and bought the matte finish and knew I had a blue at home that I had used around the 4th of July.  Except I remembered the blue wrong.  It was not Navy at all.  It was bright blue.  Another clue I should have just stopped, but I forged on!  So I painted my nails blue.  I was on the fence at this point, but again forged on to get the complete look because surely putting the matte finish on was going to make everything look so much better.  Then I added the matte finish.  Basically it just glopped all over my nails and bubbled up.
The look I was going for.

What I got...so bad the camera couldn't even focus.

Luckily Tom was in Alabama and I have no friends, so in turn had no where to go, so I had plenty of time to take the nail polish off and redo my nails with my old stand by
Lincoln Park After Dark by OPI.
But you know how when you paint your nails and then try and take the nail polish off right away it gets a bit messy???  Yeah, I literally had Smurf hands and had to soak my hands in straight 100% Acetone for 2min to get them flesh color again.  No pictures were snapped of that disaster.
So Saturday I was thankful for Parenthood, too much time on my hands, and Acetone.

Sunday, November 24
You know how when you fill your car up with gas it says turn your car off, don't smoke, and don't do anything to make yourself blow up?!?  Well Sunday I had to fill the truck up with gas.  AND I was wearing a sweater that had caused a ton of static.  I was getting shocked all day wearing it.  I was so scared to fill the truck up with gas because I thought for sure I would shock something and would blow up.  So Sunday I was thankful for not blowing up.

Monday, November 25
Last night I just needed to talk to Kim.  I was feeling out of the loop on her life.  And I needed to fill her in on mine.  It's so hard being away from her.  We used to live 3 miles away from each other and would get together weekly if not daily.  Now?  We try to talk weekly but sometimes it just doesn't work out.  It sucks.  But last night both Tom and Eric were busy and Kim and I talked for at least an hour if not longer.  It was just what I needed.  I'm so thankful for her.
Also she told me an amazing story about her Father-in-law declining an invitation to a party because he had people coming over for some pea soup.  Seriously love this girl and her crazy in-laws!

Now go be thankful you're not driving behind a Salvation Army truck and have a great day!

Smurf Hands Molly

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